12 September, 2006


There are some people who thought this would never happen. And at times in my life, I was one of them. But on Friday night, I got to see the good Lord's provision first-hand. I took Jenni up to Scenic Overlook outside of town which was the site of our first kiss. As we watched darkness descend on the Konza prairie we talked about our relationship and some of our favorite memories.

At one point, Jenni reminded me that our first visit to Scenic Overlook was after my mother's birthday party where she had met my family for the first time. She said, "I remember thinking that I really loved those people (my family)." To which I replied, "Well, I hope you'll be willing to love them for a long time." I then sat her on a nearby bench, got down on one knee, pulled out the ring and said, "Jenni, I love you. Will you marry me?" She said "Yes" immediately and there was much rejoicing! Hooraaayyyyy!

In the few days since, there have been times when we have both gotten nervous or frustrated with the process. But the experience of helping each other through those moments gives me a glimpse of what marriage could be like and makes me even more excited. We aren't sure what we will do next in life. We are both in campus ministry and want to continue to develop healthy leaders and laborers for the kingdom, we just don't know where or how yet. We will keep you posted. (Note: I said "we")